
At Andrew and Rogers, we understand that every pair of eyes is unique, and so are the vision needs of each individual. That's why our seasoned optometrists, Andrew and Roger, go beyond the ordinary to provide specialized contact lenses tailored to your specific requirements.

Whether you're dealing with irregular astigmatism, dry eyes post-laser surgery, or conditions like keratoconus, our optometrists have the expertise to offer custom solutions. Our specialized contact lenses are designed to address a range of eye conditions, ensuring not only clear vision but also optimal comfort.

Specialized Contact Lenses


Scleral Lenses

Scleral contact lenses are a revolutionary solution for individuals seeking optimal vision and comfort. Unlike traditional contact lenses that rest primarily on the cornea, scleral lenses extend further onto the sclera—the white part surrounding the cornea. This design is particularly beneficial for those facing challenges such as irregular astigmatism, post-laser surgery dry eyes, corneal transplants, Sjogren’s syndrome, or corneal conditions like keratoconus.

Key Features:

  • Full Corneal Vaulting: Scleral lenses aim to completely clear (or vault) the cornea, providing clear vision and superior comfort.

  • Versatility: Ideal for various eye conditions, including irregular astigmatism, post-surgery dry eyes, corneal transplants, and more.

  • Enhanced Comfort: Despite their larger size, scleral lenses are often more comfortable as the sclera is less sensitive than the cornea.

Why Choose Us:

At Andrew and Roger Optometrists, our dedicated team brings extensive experience in contact lens fitting. As active contributors to European and UK contact lens research, we stay at the forefront of advancements in eye care.

Explore the Benefits of Scleral Lenses with Our Optometrists:

If you are considering scleral lenses and would like expert guidance, our optometrists, Andrew and Roger, are here to assist you. Benefit from their knowledge and experience to ensure the perfect fit for your unique needs.

Contact Us Today:

Ready to experience the comfort and clarity offered by scleral lenses? Connect with our optometrists for personalized guidance and explore the possibilities for your vision.

